Dead Animal Removal & Odor Control | On Call 24/7!
Dead Animal Removal can be pretty disgusting work! It may not be the most glamorous service we provide, but it's easily one of our most appreciated.
When an animal dies inside your home, it naturally begins to decompose, and the stench that follows is often unbearable. Without locating the source and removing it, the smell can take several weeks before it even starts to dissipate. The dead animal is also a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, hundreds of flies and thousands of maggots. To put it plainly, you wont be able to wait this one out!
If an Animal has died on your property, Call Us immediately! (866) 977-4607
We don't pick up roadkill off sidewalks or streets. We also don't remove domestic pets. For these issues, please Call your Local Animal Control Department.
We specialize in Dead Deer Removal, Dead Animal Removal, Odor Control, Rabid Raccoon Removal, Rabid Skunk Removal, Hazardous Decontamination and Attic Restoration. Whether your Dead Animal issue is Residential, or Commercial, we can provide you with an immediate solution!
Dead Animal Removal in Putnam County, NY - Google+ Updates
Dead Animal Removal in Putnam County, NY - Dead Animal in the Wall
Homeowners don't often realize that using poison* for rodent control regularly leads mice dying inside their walls. It's shocking how horrendous a single dead mouse can smell, but once it starts to permeate the house, it quickly becomes unbearable! As the animal begins to decompose, it becomes a breeding ground from disease vectors like flies and maggots. If left untreated, the smell can linger for months, before beginning to dissipate.
TriState Wildlife never uses poisons or harmful chemicals when removing nuisance wildlife, including rodents. Targeted trapping programs are more humane and effective in solving the issue. Please do not use poisons inside your home!... Continue Reading on Google+
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Wildlife Case Studies: Dead Animal Removal
Homeowner Trapped a Raccoon Family Under His Deck - Westchester, NY
We got a call from a homeowner in Westchester NY, asking about our Raccoon Trapping Programs. He said there was a family of raccoons living on his property, and he wanted our help relocating them. As soon as we got out of the truck, we were hit by an unbelievable smell of death, coming from under the deck. We also noticed freshly poured gravel and cinder blocks that closed up all of the decks openings.
The homeowner said the raccoons had been living under the deck, but he sealed them out a couple weeks back. We asked him how long the rotting smell had been around, but he still hadn't put two and two together. In his haste to fix the problem himself, he actually trapped the entire family of raccoons under his deck, causing them a painfully slow and cruel death.
In order to get rid of the horrific smell, we needed to locate and remove every decomposing carcasses. This was a process of following our nose to where the odor was most pungent, and pulling up deck boards one at a time, until all bodies were found and removed. After decontaminating and deodorizing everything, we were able to replace the deck boards again.
With the completion of this project comes a stern admonition. Never seal up an animals home, without first having them trapped and relocated. The alternative is more expensive and undeniably disgusting!
Removing Deck Boards to Locate the Dead Animals
First, We Found Momma Raccoon Dead For Weeks
Pulled Up More Boards to Find Another Baby
Most Likely the Last Raccoon to Die Under Here
Baby Raccoon Decomposed to Almost Nothing
This Was by Far The Roughest One to Remove
Close by Was Another Baby That Died Quickly
High Level of Decomposition. Horrendous Smell
The 4th and Final Baby Was Found and Removed
Deck Boards Replaced After Decontamination
Removing a Dead Opossum from Under the Kitchen Floor - Westchester, NY
Occasionally, when an animal is sick, it'll try to find a nice warm place to pass away. In this case, an Opossum dug itself under the house and crawled up into the floor joists. He ended up dying in the insulation, under the kitchen floor. After a few hot summer days, the stench growing the house finally became unbearable.
The Westchester, NY homeowner was told over the phone, that for this type of Dead Animal Removal, we would likely have to cut through the floor to retrieve the carcase. By using the best tool in our arsenal (a finely tuned nose), Kris was able to locate the exact spot the opossum died. After cutting him out of the floor, the space could be decontaminated and deodorized. The flooring was replaced and looked as good as new!
Kris Locating the Exact Spot the Opossum Died
Opossum Found In Early Stages of Decomposition
Kris Using his Grabber Pole to Remove the Dead Animal
After Cleaning & Deodorizing, The Insulation Was Replaced.
The Flooring Was Also Replaced - The Final Result!
Dead Deer Removal in Westchester County, NY
Dead Animal Removal Gallery * Click Below for Larger Images
Poor Young Deer Died Behind a Customers Home
Festering Skunk Could be Smelled Inside their home
Dead Squirrel Found During an Attic Restoration
Small Deer Found Dead Not Far From the Road
Rabid Raccoon Died Under a Low Porch - Pretty Bad

"TriState Wildlife's a great company that can take care of the gross stuff for you. They were fearless in the face of the worst smell I've ever experienced. A poor little skunk died inside one of the basement window wells, after spraying repeatedly. It was a couple of days before I realized what had happened, when the whole house started to reek. TriState came out to remove the skunk and got rid of most of the truely awful smell using their bag of tricks. We're really grateful for their help and hope that it never happens again."
Mary Sewell - Yorktown, NY | Google+ Testimonials
"Thank you so much for getting the dead deer out of the pool! It was way too heavy for my wife and I to move on our own and unbelievably disgusting! We're happy to have him gone, even if it's gonna be a while before either of us want to use that pool again."
Joseph Richardson - Rye, NY | Google+ Testimonials
"A dead mouse in the wall is hands down the worst smell that I've ever encountered. Our exterminator told us that the mice would eat the poison in his bait stations and die outside, but he couldn't have been more wrong. The stench seems to be everywhere all at once, but Kris from TriState Wildlife was able to find the dead mouse right away. I don't think that we could have lived with that smell for one more day, so thank you!."
Erica R. Garrison - Armonk, NY | Google+ Testimonials